Hurtling through space for countless eons, comet Hale-Bopp dropped in on planet Earth for the first time in 4200 years. On its last visit, the comet saw Stonehenge being completed. In 1997, Hale-Bopp saw a spacecraft on its way to explore Mars. What else has it seen in its endless travels to the far reaches of space? And what changes will this celestial traveller see on its next trip to our own little blue world?
Duck Lake Interpretive Centre
The Museum carries a full display of Glen's Artwork in their gift shop and theatre.
#5 Anderson Avenue, Duck Lake, SK
Ph. 306-467-2226 or Toll Free 1-888-521-2226
Internet Orders / Enquiries / Corporate Orders / Wholesale Sales
Commissioning an Original / Reproductions / Long Service Awards
Motivational Speaking in Schools / Convention Gifts
If you happen to stop by the Museum Gift Shop remember to ask if Glen is around.
He will be happy to say hello and autograph a free year at a glance calendar for you!
Specializing In:
Custom Framing, Large Format Printing, Art Gallery
121-D Jessop Avenue Saskatoon, SK
Ph. 306-373-1171
Prescription Works Pharmacy
110 Main St
Big River, SK S0J 0E0
Phone: (306) 469-2137
MacKenzie Art Gallery Shop
3475 Albert Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 6X6
306-584- 4250 ext. 4270
208 Jasper Street
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan
Prairie Unique Gifts
Saskatoon Airport Gift Shop
J.Diefenbaker Airport
Saskatoon, Sask.
306-665- 9911